Selection procedure

Applications are reviewed by a selection committee. The committee rates every single eligible application on the basis of having excellent academic background including the following criteria: academic grades, degree, level of English, motivation letter, professional experience (CV), and letters of recommendation. The committee will issue a ranked list of selected candidates based on strength and maximum score.

Candidates who fail to meet the minimum admission requirements are declared ineligible and their applications are not further reviewed by the selection committee.

Students who have previously obtained an EMJM scholarship are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship under EMJM PROMISE. But they can apply as self-funded students and search for other means of support.

When offered a place in PROMISE, the selected students need to confirm their taking part. To get the study rights at University of Oulu, they must apply via and accept the study place. The Letter of Acceptance issued by University of Oulu is required for obtaining the visa.

EMJM scholarships are offered to students from all over the world. However, the PROMISE consortium must ensure geographical balance โ€“ i.e. no more than 10% of the total number of scholarships awarded during project implementation should be awarded to candidates from the same nationality (this rule does not apply to top up scholarships for targeted regions of the world, if applicable).

Appeal procedure

All applicants have the right to appeal against the selection decision. This has to be done within a period of 15 days starting from the day after the notification of the outcome of the selection. Appeals, including supporting information, may be sent via e-mail to the selection committee at Please mention Appeal in the header of your e-mail. The selection committee will respond to the appeal within one month after the reception of the appeal.

Selection Results

The rankings will be published when all selected applicants have confirmed their participation. This is expected to be in the second half of March.