We welcome applications from those who are able to self-fund our PROMISE programme fees and costs.
Please make a responsible assessment of your financial situation before applying and also look for alternative sources of support, such as foundation grants, employer support, or state scholarships.
Programme country students
These are students who hold a passport from one of the European Union or EEA countries. They pay a tuition fee of €6,500 for the entire programme (2 years).
Partner country students
These are students who do not hold a passport from one of the European Union or EEA countries. They pay a tuition fee of €13,000 for the entire programme (2 years).
NOTE: In both cases, the tuition fee covers registration costs at each of the consortium partners, university administration and diploma costs, excursions, lab costs and participation in summer schools.
Required literature, accommodation, travel costs, visa, and residence permit. living expenses, personal computers, student union and local social security, and other study-related costs are NOT included in the above-mentioned tuition fee.
The tuition fee will be paid in two installments to the consortium coordinator (UOULU).
All students receive comprehensive insurance (with the Eramus+ requirements) from the PROMISE consortium.
Students must meet the financing requirements for residence permit application, including:
- You must have 6,720 euros in your bank account when you submit the application.
- You must have 560 euros per month at your disposal.
Suggestions for other funds to finance your studies
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarships – funded by the European, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union
- Erasmus+ Study Mobility Program for already enrolled students
- Erasmus+ Master Loans
- GoEuro Study Abroad Scholarships
- The Danish State Educational Support (SU), Denmark
- Goulandris Foundation, Greece
- Norwegian State Development Loan
- Becas Talentia, Spain (Andalusia)
- Becas Fundacion Montemadrid
- Buscador de becas Universia
- Campus France
- L’Agence univeritaire de la Francophonie
- Heinrich Boll Stiftung
- Hanns Seidel Stiftung
- Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung
- ELES, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship Programme
- http://www.scholarshipportal.eu/ and https://www.ceu.edu/admissions/funding-fees/finaid-applicants/external-scholarships for more scholarship information.
United Kingdom (please note some UK based institutions or funders provide scholarships or grants to international students)
- Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)
- Carnegie Trust for Scotland
- The Co-operative Bank Education Scholarships
- Student Loans Company
- Prospects – Postgraduate loans for UK/Scottish Students
- British Council (EU and International Students)
- Chevening (International Students)
- SALTIRE Scholarships – for students from Canada, the US, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and China to study in Scotland at any degree level.
- Commonwealth Scholarships and Commonwealth Shared Scholarships
- The OPEC Fund for International Development
- Advance Africa
- Aga Khan Foundation – International Scholarship Programme
- Kulika Uganda
- Africa Educational Trust
North America
- Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund
- Alberta Student Aid (Canada)
- Fulbright Scholar Program
- AIFS Study Abroad
- American Association of University Women (Career Development Grant)
- Marshall Scholarships (USA)
South and Latin America
- CONICYT, Chile
- BECAS CHILE for Chileans.
- Colfuturo, Colombia
- CONICYT, Mexico
- FIDERH, Mexico
- CNPq, Brazil
- ALBAN (scholarships for Latin American students)
- Colciencias
- PRONABEC (scholarships for Peruvian students)
- LPDP for Indonesians;
- British Council IELTS Scholarship Award for Indian Students
- Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarship
- China Scholarship Council
- Japan Foundation Scholarships
- Great Britain-China Educational Trust grants
- Tan Kah Kee Foundation Postgraduate scholarship
- Aga Khan Foundation – International Scholarship Programme
- The British Council (Sir Ratan Tata Scholarships, De Souza Trust Goa Scholarships and Hornby Educational Trust)
Australia and New Zealand
Below is a list of portals (databases) providing information on scholarships, institutions and funders including sources of private finance:
- http://www.scholars4dev.com/
- http://www.eurodesk.org/edesk/
- http://www.fordfoundation.org/
- http://www.gatesfoundation.org/Pages/home.aspx
- http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/funding
- http://www.rotary.org/
- http://www.iie.org/
- http://www.hivos.nl/eng
- http://openukraine.org/en
- http://www.batory.org.pl/en
- http://www.fundacionluisvives.org/
- http://www.eurasia.org/
- Visas for Future
- Global Scholarships
- ScholarshipPortal
- Scholarship Positions
- Scholarships for Development
- Top Universities – Scholarships to Study in Europe
- Scholarship Times
- MastersPortal