The University of Oulu (UOULU) is currently the only national Finnish institution located in Europe offering a degree in mineral processing at the Oulu Mining School, at the graduate and postgraduate level:

Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL) has been established in 1840 for the education of mining and metallurgy engineers. Since then, the range of studies has been extended and covers the entire life cycle of primary raw materials from geology to recycling.
The University of Zagreb (UNIZG) is the largest (34 constituent units) and the oldest (since 1669) university in Croatia. The Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Zagreb is the only Croatian national institution that offers study programs of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing.

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) is a recognized institution for Science and Engineering in Chile, founded in 1926. USM is the largest engineering school in Chile, it has 4 campuses, the main campus is located in Valparaiso.