Students will acquire specialization and competence in the main areas of mineral beneficiation with an emphasis on better mineral recovery from primary and secondary sources, metal recycling (urban mining), by-product recovery meeting the demands of today’s industry and environmental protection as an integral part of the circular economy. Students will move to at least three HEIs. Upon completion, students will be awarded multiple master’s degree Diplomas and a Diploma Supplement.
Concerning mobility during the two-year master’s programme, students will study together in three different universities:
- 30 ECTS at University of Oulu in Finland (UOULU) – Oulu Mining School
- 30 ECTS at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria (MUL)
- 30 ECTS at either Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile (USM) or University of Zagreb, Croatia (UNIZG)
- 30 ECTS MSc thesis (co-supervised by all partner universities) and in cooperation with industry
Obligatory courses

Elective courses

Master thesis
In Semester 4, students will develop a thesis with a focus on industry application.
One of the academic benefits for students is internships and industry thesis. A pool of Thesis topics shall be proposed by Industry-Associate partners (at the end of the first semester), and the HEI coordinator and the student must agree on the topic. Once the Associate Partner agrees on receiving the student, the student, the programme/partner country located (where the organisation is established), and the company, must all sign an Agreement for the Internship that describes the rights and responsibilities of all the parties involved, the duration of the internship, the name of the student´s supervisor within the organisation, among other aspects. The student´s internship supervisor will evaluate the student once the internship is finalised and a report is present it could be credited by the HEIS. Internships will last between 2 to 3 months (ideally 3), a period in which the student must develop their experimental plan, execute and gather data for their thesis projects
The dissertation of the master thesis (including discussions with supervisors during the master thesis writing period) is inherent in the programme of study.
The student, if successful in the respective examinations achieving the learning outcomes of the program and thesis dissertation, will receive multiple degrees from the hosting Universities where the student has mobility, and a Diploma Supplement parchment Erasmus Mundus Joint Master ‘PROMISE – Sustainable Mineral and Metal Processing Engineering from all four above mentioned universities.