We have the collaboration and support of 41 Associated Partners (33 from the beginning) including 22 mining companies, 4 recycling companies, 4 research centres, 6 mining suppliers and 3 universities.
They committed to supporting our students with internship and thesis work.

- Metso Outotec OY, Finland
- Terrafame Group OY, Finland
- Agnico Eagle Oy, Finland
- Geopyörä, Finland
- Dragon Mining OY, Finland
- Monolithos, Greece
- BioSO4 OY, Finland
- Boliden, Sweden
- Copperstone Vicaria AB, Sweden
- Timegate Instruments OY, Finland
- Spectra-Media.d.o.o., Croatia
- Depos d.o.o., Croatia
- Holcim (Hrvatska) d.o.o., Croatia
- FLSmidth GmbH, Austria
- Kärntner Montanindustrie GmbH, Austria
- PMT-Jetmill GmbH, Austria
- CEMTEC Cement and Mining Technology GmbH, Austria
- Zementwerk LEUBE GmbH, Austria
- IFE Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH, Austria
- Bernegger GmbH, Austria
- Omya GmbH, Austria
- Binder & Co AG, Austria
- RHI Magnesita GmbH, Austria
- Corporación Chilena de Investigación del Agua, CETAQUA, Chile
- Centro Nacional de Pilotaje de Tecnologías para la Minería, Chile
- Minera Santo Domingo, Chile
- Saulo SpA, Chile
- Seven-C Project SpA, Chile
- Centro de Tecnologia Mineral, CETEM, Brazil
- Geologian tutkimuskeskus GTK, Finland
- Dpto. Ingeniería Geológica y Minera/Universidad Politécnica de Madrid/ E.T.S.I. Minas y Energía, Spain
- Copper Belt University, Zambia
- Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
New Partners
- Flottec LLC, USA
- Maelgwyn Mineral Services, Germany
- Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany
- Gumiimpex-GRP d.o.o, Croatia
- Metis d.d., Croatia
- IGM Sljuncara Trstenik d.o.o., Croatia
- IAB Weimar Institute of Applied Construction Research, Germany
- Knauf d.o.o., Croatia
- Nexe d.d., Croatia
Looking to recruit a PROMISE program intern with meaningful responsibilities and the possibility to make an impact?
In the fouth-semester (Jan-July), students should develop a Master Thesis, the research work is based on on-site or lab investigation (usually three months). After the data collection period, students develop the thesis flowing the scientific reach method and supervised and co-supervised by the university and associate partner. Master thesis subjects may be proposed by the industrial partner or professors.
Can associate partners can propose a project topic?
- Yes, APs can make an impact in supporting a brighter future for our students
- Promise Consortium will send you a list of project options
- You can submit your own topic by emailing info@master-promise.eu and this will be discussed with a suitable supervisor of the partners’ universities
Can students propose a topic?
Yes, if a company different from the associate partners is able to support your project (internship, access to data, plant, etc.), and your research works with samples and analysis ask a supervisor to register your topic in the nearest PROMISE university.