Candidates from all over the world are invited to apply. After having carefully read all requirements and FAQs, the application can be done by filling out and submitting all the necessary documents in the online application of the EMJM PROMISE website.
Online application
The application window for being part of the fourth intake with an EM scholarship was from October 1st to December 31st, 2024. Currently, there is an application window for self-funded students exclusively until March 15th, 2025.
You must fill in the online application forms and upload all required scanned attachments (in coulour and in PDF format) by the application deadline. Please note that you do not need to complete the whole application form at once. You can save it any time and finish it later during the period of application.
Erasmus Mundus scholarship
All valid applications from the general call will be considered for a scholarship. Taking part as a self-funded student will be offered to a number of applicants with high ranking if they do not receive a scholarship. Note: having secured additional funds beforehand is absolutely compatible with getting an Erasmus scholarship, as long as these funds are not coming directly from the EU! To get started, please read the Scholarships & Fees section.